It’s no secret we like clothing clean and crisp. But even we like to get dirty sometimes. Especially when it comes to baseball! And if you’ve ever watched a rookie baseball team of 4-6 year olds, you know that they love playing in the dirt…

It’s no secret we like clothing clean and crisp. But even we like to get dirty sometimes. Especially when it comes to baseball! And if you’ve ever watched a rookie baseball team of 4-6 year olds, you know that they love playing in the dirt…
Sunday, May 26, marks the 102nd anniversary of one of the most well known traditions of the Memorial Day weekend: the Indianapolis 500. Making Hoosiers proud, the renowned race is always held on the Sunday preceding the national holiday and attracts hundreds of thousands of…
You know it’s May in Indianapolis when you start to see the checkered flags adorning residential porches & decks, commercial buildings and even a few vehicles. Although we all know Indianapolis hosts many amazing events, programs and attractions year round, Worldwide, our city is largely…
Twice a week, we visit homes and offices all around Indianapolis & surrounding areas to pick up and deliver items for our customers. We’re happy to announce that this service now includes the South Side of Indianapolis. Our FREE pick up and delivery area extends…
This weekend is being called the St. Patrick’s Day Trifecta due to all the fun activities around town Friday – Sunday, March 17th. All the chit chat about where everyone will be celebrating this weekend prompted us to research why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day…
What happens to your clothes when you bring them to us? Who handles them and how do they make them look renewed and refreshed? Your clothes are in the best care when they’re with us! Our professional garment handlers are trained to remove stains, solve…
Are your pants dragging the floor; does the rear sag; is your belt cinching the waistband so tight you resemble Ed Grimley? What about that jacket? Do you look like you’re playing dress up in your Mom or Dad’s “grown up” clothes? Okay, that’s a…
Did you receive new gadgets this Holiday season? Do you wonder where you can recycle the old? Look no further! Here are 6 local places you can recycle your old belongings, stay Eco-friendly, and maybe make some money. Located in Plainfield, Indiana, Electronic Recyclers International, Inc. specializes in…
Dee Godwin just celebrated her 25th year with Classic Cleaners in September! Dee has been with Classic Cleaners for 25 of the 27 years Classic Cleaners has been in business so she’s met a lot of people, had some memorable experiences and seen many changes…
Twice a week, we visit homes and offices all around the north side of Indianapolis and the downtown area to pick up and deliver items for our customers. We’re happy to announce that this service now includes Avon and Brownsburg. With this free service, we…