As the outdoor temperatures start to cool, if you are one who enjoys opening the windows to let the cool air into your home, you may also notice all the dust lingering on your surfaces. It doesn’t take long to grab a cloth and quickly…

As the outdoor temperatures start to cool, if you are one who enjoys opening the windows to let the cool air into your home, you may also notice all the dust lingering on your surfaces. It doesn’t take long to grab a cloth and quickly…
Taking a vacation is a great way to get away from it all. Did you know that your appliances and electronic devices can use a little time off as well? With a few simple adjustments before you leave, you’ll come home to a lower energy…
Emergency Outage Kit Summer storms in the Midwest are common and so are power outages as a result of the storms. Sudden power outages can be frustrating and troublesome, especially when they last a long time. Be prepared for when the power goes out. Assemble an…
When Monday rolls around again after a warm weekend of fun and sun, you don’t have to trade your summer dresses for buttoned up office attire. There’s many ways to wear a dress to the office that’s both summer ready and office appropriate. We did…
We know it’s totally worth it when you get there but packing for a summer vacation can be a bit stressful. Especially if you are flying and trying to minimize the amount of luggage you take with you. Here’s a few effortless packing tips we…
If you are someone you know has plans to attend a summer wedding this year, we’ve taken the guess work out of deciphering what to wear. Most wedding invitations will provide you a guide on what to wear with the following terminology: White-tie: This is the…
Indianapolis is making it easier than ever to dispose of live Christmas trees after the holiday season. From January 1 – January 31, trash crews will pick up live Christmas trees curbside as part of regular trash pick up at no additional charge to residents. To…
If you display a Christmas tree in your home, you probably have a strong opinion on whether you prefer a live tree or an artificial tree. We have an artificial one because growing up, my family always had an artificial tree, and, the one time…
Although Halloween is on a Saturday this year (Yay!), many plan to dress up at work. If you are one of them, here’s some “cheesy”, goofy costume ideas for trick-or-treating through the cubicles: 1. A Day Off — Using black lettering, write Oct. 30, 2015 or…
Warm weather and sunshine helps our flowers and trees blossom but it also coaxes weeds to pop up in our garden beds and from the tiniest cracks in the sidewalk. You can kill those pesky weeds without spending a lot of money and without using…