As a “one stop shop” dry cleaning company, we can handle all of your clothing needs including tailoring, mending and shoe care needs. But what if you’re at the office or traveling and you need a quick fix you can do on your own? Here are…

As a “one stop shop” dry cleaning company, we can handle all of your clothing needs including tailoring, mending and shoe care needs. But what if you’re at the office or traveling and you need a quick fix you can do on your own? Here are…
According to researchers at NYU, a first impression is formed in 7 seconds. Your face and clothes are noticed right away. Therefore, it’s advised you wear high quality, well made, and freshly pressed clothing to a job interview. Not only could your attire give you an…
Ever heard the old adage “dress for success” or “you are what you wear”? For women, it’s especially true when donning a dress at the office. DRESS FOR SUCCESS: Jennifer Baumgartner is a psychologist who has her own blog “The Psychology of Dress,” on She…
Doing laundry is most likely not your favorite chore. Sometimes you may want to just throw it all into the wash quickly and toss it all in the dryer together after the spin cycle. However, doing so, you risk ruining your clothing over time. Before…
Maybe you are saying to yourself, “I know how to tie a tie. I don’t need to read this blog post”. But, wait. Have you ever seen a gentleman that not only dresses well but his tie always looks absolutely perfect? It may be because…
Have you ever gotten completely dressed within a minute of being late to your destination only to look down and notice your pant hem is torn and part of it is hanging down? Even if you set your clothing out the night before a big…
Consignment shops have benefited in recent months from the shift in consumer thinking. Many of us are getting smarter and more mindful about how we spend our money. Whether you need to “penny pinch” or you just want to find a great deal, shopping at…
Ever notice the celebrity walking the red carpet in a barely there dress, waving and sashaying while all the important parts stay covered? Have you noticed how the button up shirts of your favorite male and female TV actors never gap to reveal a bit…
Are you constantly going back over the same wrinkle in your favorite pair of pants for the 1,000th time? If so, you may need a new iron. But an iron is an iron, right? Nope. Here are some tips on how to choose one that…
Are you excited to wear your winter boots again but embarrassed by their dull, scuffed appearance? And gentlemen, do you love a certain pair of dress shoes, but know they need a good buffing? Stress no longer because do-it-yourselfers are using common household items to…