My parents have three cats and it’s all my fault. Way back when I attended IU Bloomington, I thought having a cat was a great idea. Until the landlord found out and reminded me the property didn’t allow pets. I begged my “empty nester” parents…

My parents have three cats and it’s all my fault. Way back when I attended IU Bloomington, I thought having a cat was a great idea. Until the landlord found out and reminded me the property didn’t allow pets. I begged my “empty nester” parents…
There’s nothing like the fresh scent of savings to go with your laundry. Here are five tips that will help you save with every load: Run full loads. You’ll save energy and water by reducing cycles. Clean the lint filter in your dryer before each…
In addition to bringing your items to us because you love the clean crisp appearance of them when you get them back, you bring your items to us because you’ve got a stain that professional help to remove. Our stain specialists are amazing and work…
If you shopped for sweaters or other knit garments lately, you have probably noticed that many of them contain a fiber called acrylic. Before purchasing garments containing this fiber, it is important that you are aware of the problems you may run into and how…
I recently noticed a teeny tiny hole in one of my cashmere sweaters when rotating it back into my closet after storing it during the summer. My thought was, “that wasn’t there before I dry cleaned and stored it last spring”. Did I clean it…
There used to be a belief that dry cleaning your clothing would cause the colors to fade. That’s NOT the case, especially with our Odor Free, Non Toxic, Dermatologically Harmless cleaning fluid. If you are laundering at home (or simply via “wear and tear), there…
With all the festive gatherings and activities coming up these next couple of months, we are anticipating an increase in wine stains. 😉 Many times, if you encounter a wine stain, you can try to remove it at home if you act quickly. The sooner…
We still have Halloween candy in our house – and I’m finding bits of chocolate everywhere. My kids hurriedly open their M&Ms, mini-Twix and Hershey bars and leave crumbs of chocolate in their haste. I’m shocked I haven’t sat in chocolate yet… It’s a pain…
My family is knee deep in Fall sports: Basketball, Cheer, and we just finished Kickball. All of these sports require my kids to wear uniforms and they take a beating. They experience significant soiling and wear and therefor special attention should be paid to their…
Today is the first day of Autumn but it’s still HOT, HOT, HOT in Indianapolis. If you broke out your leather jackets last week when it cooled down, you’re probably not going to wear them for a while per this heat wave. Here’s how you…