The best type of shirt collar for you is the collar that is most flattering to you. When choosing a collar take into consideration your physical build, the occasion, and your personality.

Here are 5 popular shirt collars you will see on most dress shirts.

Button down collar: This is the most casual choice. It can be worn with a pair of slacks or under a sweater or sport coat. It’s best not to wear this type of collar with a double-breasted suit.

Straight (or Classic) collar: This is the most popular choice in menswear. It doesn’t call attention to itself with its simplicity and professionalism. Thinner ties work best with this type of collar.

Tab (or Pinned) collar: The Tap collar keeps the points off the collar from moving out of position and pushes the tie knot out slightly so it appears more prominent.

Spread collar: This collar will give a thin face or a thin neck the appearance of width. It’s best suited for thicker ties with a substantial knot but also work well with the top button undone and the collar falling neatly.

Wide (or Large) spread collar: Also known as the British spread collar, this collar places the points even farther apart than does the spread collar. It works well with heavier, bulkier tie knots. It won’t help minimize a thinner neck or face, but it can create a classic British style when paired with a substantial tie.

Have you paid much attention to the type of collars in your closet? What shirt collar style do you have the most of in your closet?
