We know the tags inside your clothing can be a nuisance.  They often stick out, can be itchy, some are quite long BUT, there is important information on them that’s valuable to you and your dry cleaner.

Every wardrobe (and household) item you purchase has a care label attached by the manufacture of the garment to direct you in how to wash, dry and treat the item.  The manufacturer is advising you on how to clean the item so that the item maintains its integrity and it remains in “like new” condition. Detouring from any method advised will compromise the item and could possibly damage the item.

For your benefit if you’re washing at home, we recommend following the care label exactly if you want to extend the life of your clothing. Here’s common care label icons you may see on your garments.  For our benefit, we depend heavily on the care label to tell us how the item should be cleaned and we follow those instructions to a “T”.  For example if it says hand wash cold and lay flat to dry, that is exactly what we will do for your item.

If you must cut out your care label, try to keep the instructions for reference when you need to have it cleaned – especially it the item gets soiled or stained.  Our stain removal experts have an array of stain removing solutions and having the care label helps choose the right solution so as not to damage the item.
