We’re half way through the month and some of us are staying true to our New Year’s Resolutions. Some of us – not so much. Why do we make New Year’s resolutions? We did some research and we found two conflicting accounts of the history of…

When the snow was falling last Sunday, it sure looked pretty. Unfortunately what occurred all over the city was not so pretty. Many families experienced loss of power, frozen pipes and pipes bursting. If you’ve experienced any of these problems as a result of the…

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Perception is Reality”? How true of a statement do you believe it to be? Whether you are dressing for an important presentation, an interview, or traveling for business, others are watching. People DO make assumptions based on appearance so…

After the hustle, bustle and rush of the Holiday Season, many of us are left with major messes and clean up jobs. Here are a few ol’ school tricks that could help you clean a little better – and faster. 1. Vacuum first, then dust.…