Yippee! It’s finally spring!

Just the other day, when the weather was a bit warm, I started going through my closet. To save space and help me see exactly what I have in my closet each season, I store my out of season clothing in canvas boxes. I got up on my step stool and took down the boxes holding tanks, dresses, shorts, etc. Exciting!!!

The first thing I had to do was inspect my spring and summer clothes.  The goal is to ALWAYS put your clothing in storage clean.  Even clear stains will set over time and become a visible stain when you’re ready to wear the item again. But, I admit, I found a couple of light garments that are going to need cleaned before I wear them.  And, fingers crossed our expert stain removal specialists will be able to help.  Oops!

While inspecting, I realized there are few items I most likely won’t wear this spring and summer because I didn’t wear them last year.  So, I will be consigning or donating some items in the next couple of weeks.  If you’ve never consigned before, read my blog on consignment shopping and selling for some tips.

My next task was to gather all my washable items together and wash them. Some items I dry in the dryer and some items I hang. Always read the care label and follow the instructions if you are laundering at home. The manufacturer dictates on the care label how to clean the item so that it stays looking like new for as long as possible.

Lastly, I’ve decided what items should be brought here, to be dry cleaned or professionally laundered.  There are some items I either don’t trust myself to clean or I know they will look MUCH better and last MUCH longer if they are cleaned and pressed professionally.  What’s assuring about bringing them to a professional is I know even if they look clean, oils & lotions and environmental elements or food particles may still be lingering on the items.  (Especially if I can tell they were packed away after a wearing & before a washing – oops, again).  Dry cleaning will remove the deposits and help me avoid fabric damage or deeper stains.

There’s so much more to cleaning and organizing your closet but these 3 first steps to spring clean your closet will start you off on the right foot so that you don’t “lose” any of your favorite items.

After you complete steps 1 and 2, we’re happy to help with step 3 – please let us know about any stains when dropping off your clothing at our stores.  Want to have your items picked up and delivered back clean for FREE?  Click here to sign up.

Here’s to spring!

– S.O.